Thursday, 13 January 2011

An amazing UN DESA's Scandal of phony treaties (another one for Sha Zukang)

the NGO section of UN-DESA (Department of Economic and Social Affairs) has failed to establish and uphold minimum security, transparency and most important to safeguard one of the main mandates that the founding fathers of the U.N. had in mind - UN TREATIES (see FoxNews story).

The NGO and ECOSOC section seem to have "let down their guard" and allow an "italian job" to file on behalf of a phony treaty - on which the Italian Government claims now that they never signed.

Imagine that this scandal happened at UN-DESA the only United Nations specialized body who was actually led and managed by mostly Italian representatives in the past 10 years. Where the highest numbers of italian staffers were stationed and worked.

And still, somehow very strangely an NGO manage to claim "Italian Government participation in a fake Treaty". And go "undetected" for almost 9 years.

1. The question now is - who had such balls that inside the only "Italian House" within the UN (this was DESA nominative from 1998 - 2009) managed to infiltrate, file and become a member of ECOSOC with fake paperwork?

2. Who was that master mind that managed to bypass all check-points within the UN-DESA's bureaucracy and FALSELY declare :
  • the fake participation of an independent member state,
  • the fake participation of a member of NATO,
  • the fake participation of a member of G7 and G20,
  • the fake participation of one of the main donors of the UN;
3. How can that person or group of persons be so sure that no one in DESA's NGO or ECOSOC's support section would ever know or suspect of a phony treaty?



Anonymous said...

Kick the UN out of New York. Move it to Darfur. Or Baghdad. Or Tehran. Or Caracas. Or Moscow. Or North Korea.

Anonymous said...

The U.N. is a Phony Treaty of itself.

Anonymous said...

And we need the UN because ? Save the dues money and pay down our debt.

Anonymous said...

What is insane here is that there is probably money funneled into this agency that is going to fund terrorism or some other nasty thing we are fighting against. This is truly sad.

Anonymous said...

Gee, the U.N. is a shadowy organization. Who knew? Oh right, anyone with common sense.

Anonymous said...

Gangsters will always protect their rackets.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like collusion and nepotism to me... Go figure.

Anonymous said...

These are the UNimals that I would love to be extinct.

Anonymous said...

No more talk...time to act, these animals (UN) ears are plugged with our money IT can hear nothing.

Anonymous said...

why are we still associated with that den of thieves...?

Anonymous said...

International law allows sovereign governments to scrap any prior treaty. The US signed an anti-ballistic missile treaty with the USSR during the Cold War. But subsequently the US scrapped the treaty, with impunity.
The Maastricht Treaty, setting up the European Union, mandated a fiscal deficit ceiling of 3% of GDP for member states. But several members, including Germany and France, have been running deficits far higher than this, with impunity. When political and economic conditions change, treaties hardly matter.
If one looks through history, treaties have been junked if they become politically inconvenient. Countries are free to join in or move out of a Treaty under International law.
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) are an important aspect of Public International Law. IGOs are established by Treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. Treaties are formed when lawful representatives (governments) of several states, minimum three, go through a ratification process, providing the IGO with an international legal personality

Anonymous said...

Everything about the UN is phony, just like the League of nations before it.

Anonymous said...

UN = ACORN on steroids !

Anonymous said...

Please STOP WASTING our money at the United Nations. They are a FARSE at best, and evil at worst.

We don't have the money to support these criminals anymore!