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Request for Inputs/Contributions for the Documentation to be prepared for the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of UNCSD
In response to the decisions of the First Preparatory Committee Meeting for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the UNCSD dedicated secretariat has prepared a Questionnaire for collecting information from governments and other stakeholders.
To accommodate the requests of some Member States and other stakeholders regarding the length of the Questionnaire, the secretariat has prepared a summary set of four questions, which capture the essential information sought as input to a synthesis report to be prepared by the secretariat.
Summary questions
1. What are your experiences, especially “success stories” in regard to this theme or objective? and, in your experience, what are the drivers of success?
2. What challenges, obstacles and risk factors were highlighted by this experience, and what lessons are provided by your experience on how these could be addressed?
3. What new opportunities emerged from this experience, and how have they been, or could they be, exploited?
4. What is your expectation in this area for an outcome from UNCSD? What specific suggestions/proposals would you like to make in this regard?
These four questions are asked in relation to each of the five areas mentioned in GA Resolution 64/236 for consideration at UNCSD:
i. renewed political commitment for sustainable development;
ii. assessing progress and remaining gaps in implementation;
iii. addressing new and emerging challenges;
iv. a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and
v. institutional framework for sustainable development.
You may choose to answer only the summary questions, but answers to as many questions as possible in the detailed Questionnaire would also be extremely valuable.
Both the summary set of questions and the detailed Questionnaire will be available online in writable form by 1 October 2010. To access the writable versions, focal points will need to request a secure password from the secretariat ( UNCSD2012@un.org).
Completed questionnaires and other information received by the deadline of 31 October 2010 will be considered in the preparation of the synthesis report.
I would like to thank you all for your efforts as we work together in a collaborative spirit towards a successful Conference in 2012.
Sha Zukang
Conference Secretary-General
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