Wednesday 12 May 2010

Another scandal in UN-DESA (Department of Economical and Social Affairs of the United Nations)

After Bruno Bastet (a French National) former Chief of Staff of Guido Bertucci (former Director of DPADM/DESA) was escorted from UN/DSS police out of DC2, another SCANDAL is about to explode in UN-DESA.

Sources inside Human Resources say that on a recent review of the personnel files of staffers of UN-DESA, they found that at least 60% of the Staff Force are missing important information in their respective Personnel Files:

  1. Certified Copies of their BA/Diploma(s) from recognized World Education Institutions;
  2. Certified Copies of their Masters/PhD or post-graduate courses to substantiate their claims in their PhP/CV;
  3. Certified Copies of their continuing education or training(s) either inside/on-the-job at the UN or at outside institutions;
  4. Initial Medical Clearances Certificates (mainly for short-term consultant and/or advisors);
While same sources say that the above "slippage" could be attributed to failure of OHRM to abide by UN Recruitment Rules and processes, still the number of UN-DESA staffers whom files are "not-in-order" or "do not seem to correspond to their claims" is quite high. On the other side OHRM is trying to show that most of these "rush-recruitments" were initiated by high level managers at DESA claiming either "last minute project emergencies" or "higher authority".

Another area for which seem to be "a real mess" is the hiring process of the so-called DESA Advisors or Consultants. Both these groups are the highest with "no evidence in files of their credentials" and many of them only have a simple 2-3 page CV on which the Recruitment has been initiated.

Sources say the "Review will be finalized very soon". Will these turn into another embarrassment for Sha Zukang?

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