Tuesday 3 March 2009

Roberto Villarreal

Head of Division
Regional Competitiveness and Governance
Public Governance and Territorial
Development Directorate, OECD

Roberto Villarreal is Head of the Division for Regional Competitiveness and Governance at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the Federal Government of Mexico he has been Undersecretary for Urban Development, in the Ministry of Social Development; Head of Unit for Social and Regional Policies, in the Executive Office of the President; Head of Unit for Federal Investment and Privatizations, in the Ministry of Finance; Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Industry and Trade; Director General for Industrial Technology Development in the Ministry of Industry and Trade; and Director of the Patent and Trademark Office of Mexico. He holds a Ph. D. in Economics from the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a University Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM). Along his professional career he has been directly involved with public policy making in numerous fields: energy and regulation; industry and technology; intellectual property and trade negotiations; privatization, infrastructure, public investment and public-private partnerships; poverty alleviation; employment, entrepreneurship and informal economy; regional development and urban development. He has tought numerous courses at undergraduate and graduate levels in public and private universities in Mexico, has authored numerous publications and has participated as speaker in numerous international conferences.

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