Saturday, 20 March 2010

Nitin Desai: Carbon forestry

The threat of climate change is now overwhelming the dialogue on forest policy. Forests, like other ecosystems, will be affected by temperature increase. But the dimension that is receiving much more attention is their role as a store for carbon. Forests hold more carbon than the atmosphere, and the interchange of carbon between the two is a major element in the climate debate. Forest loss accounted for 20 per cent of carbon emissions, according to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and reducing this is seen as a low-cost way of mitigating the threat of climate change.

These climate concerns will lead to greatly-expanded international funding for forestry. It is under discussion in UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) under the heading Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), and the World Bank has already established two windows for climate-related forestry projects.

We see the beginnings of this shift in the NAPCC (National Action Plan on Climate Change) mission on Green India. The Ministry of Environment and Forests is getting into the act and according to a recent study put out by it, the carbon sequestered in India’s forests rose by about 138 mt of CO2 equivalent per year between 1995 and 2005, and “neutralised” about 9 per cent of our year 2000 level of CO2 emissions.

A measure of caution is required in shifting the focus of forestry just to carbon sequestration. It could be as distorting as the earlier focus on production forestry. Consider the experience of India with “scientific forestry” set up after the British brought in three German foresters to establish the forest department and the forest institute in Dehra Dun. Sustainable working plans were prepared for the forests which were brought under government control and removals were calibrated to match annual increments in forest stock. But this did not prevent large-scale forest loss with surviving dense forests found only in inaccessible areas.

An even bigger distortion was the alienation of forest communities that were treated as interlopers. Moreover, since sustainability was defined in terms of maintenance of growing stock, there was also a monomaniacal obsession with replanting quicker-growing species with little regard to other ecological consequences. Thus, the replacement of broad-leaved oaks with pines in the Himalayas altered the water retention capacity of forests for the worse.

Forests are part of a wider ecosystem and deliver services that are far more than forest products even from the perspective of climate change. For instance, forests play a role in hydrology and could be an important element in coping with the impact of climate change on precipitation and river flows.

Forests are not empty land. There are 173,000 villages in or near forests. For people in these villages, forests are a source of livelihood and cultural value. For them, diversity matters as they have a use for many species, some for food, some for liquor, some as host plants for silk worms and so on. Their goal is a sustainable livelihood based on forest resources, not growing stock or carbon sequestration.

Over the past few decades, we have seen a healthy shift in forest policy with a stronger emphasis on conservation, including a ban on logging in many places, on biodiversity and wildlife protection, and on community rights with the spread of joint forest management. My fear is that the large sums of international money that will become available as part of the climate change mitigation effort will undo many of these gains.

The focus on growing stock led to the destruction of biodiversity as fast-growing and commercially-attractive species replaced native trees. Will the emphasis on the role of forests in climate change lead to an excessive focus on species that are most efficient in carbon capture? Will this be sufficiently restrained by pious language about sustainable development?

The promotion of “scientific” forestry led to the shift of control to large forest departments and the marginalisation of forest communities. It also opened up forests to large companies. Will this also happen with carbon sequestration forestry projects as international donors may find it easier to work with large public and private organisations rather than with small local communities?

The major difficulty in forest development has always been the fact that those who bear the cost of forest protection and management cannot monetise the value of the preserved forest to others. The ecosystem services of forests in the form of water regulation, biodiversity, landscape quality and so on are not readily marketable. In this situation, foresters are tempted by the smell of money for at least one ecosystem service, that of carbon sequestration.

Carbon funding for forestry is going to come. There is no point in fighting this. What we have to do is to make this one-dimensional funding objective consistent with other goals for forestry policy and with decentralisation and empowerment of forest communities. Hence I would propose that carbon funding for forestry should include a biodiversity bonus, a water regulation bonus, and a community rights bonus. Thus, all such funding, whether it is channelled through a carbon credit mechanism or through straightforward public funding, should give more for carbon sequestration if this is done in a manner that conserves biodiversity and protects wildlife, that maintains or improves the water regulation properties of the forest and that shares management responsibility and returns with local forest communities.

Calculating these bonuses does pose measurement problems and will require a great deal of creativity. But even the calculation of the quantity of carbon sequestered by different types of species in varying growing conditions poses similar measurement problems. A bigger issue is the willingness of carbon credit buyers to pay the bonuses. If they are commercial entities buying these as offsets for their own obligations, then they may well refuse to pay extra for goals that are of no monetary value to them. But if the funding is from public sources, as proposed by some potential donors, then this is a less serious problem. Maybe this is a good reason for keeping carbon funding for forestry outside the commercial framework of carbon credit markets.

One final thought — what happens to our forests will depend not just on the forest policy but also on the way in which mining, energy, agriculture and human settlement policies contain the pressure on forest lands, and carbon funding for forestry will have little impact on these other areas of the policy.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Practice what you preach ! - Bertucci get a taste of the medication he practiced for years on others - BAN's Justice !!





46 (NY/2010)

10 March 2010 English







1. This Order is to be read in conjunction with ,my previous Orders Nos. 40, 43 and 44 (NY/2010). Decisions are not made by the Organization or by the Secretariat. Theyare.madebyindividuals. Thoseindividualsarepersonallyresponsibleforthem. It is clear that the decision to disobey the Tribunal's Order No. 40 (NY/2010) as to production of documents was taken by an officer of the Organization.

Accordingly, yesterday I also ordered (Order No. 44 (NY/2010)) the officer who had made the decision to disobey the order, whose identity has not been disclosed, to appear in the Tribunal this morning at 10:00am, expecting that counsel for the respondent then in court would take appropriate steps to ascertain that person's identity and inform him or her of the order to appear. Under art 17 of the Rules of Procedure the Tribunal "may make an order requiring·the presence of any person or the production of any document." These Rules of Procedure were adopted by the General Assembly on 9 August 2009.

2. At shortly after 9:30am this morning the Registry was informed in a document entitled "submission" and signed by a legal officer and the Chief of the Administrative Law Section of the Office of Human Resources Management as follows- In response to Order No. 2010/44, the respondent notifies the Tribunal that the officer referred to ... will not be appearing before the Tribunal at 10.00am on 10 March 2010.

3. At the hearing on 10 March 2010, counsel for the respondent appeared. I asked counsel for the grounds relied on for the non-compliance with the Order requiring appearance. I was informed that those grounds were the same as those contained in the submissions originally made in support of the contention that the production of the documents sought to be produced in the Bertucci case should not be required, submissions that I rejected as without merit in my ruling requiring production to the Tribunal. Those submissions concerned documents and had nothing to do with the order requiring attendance of the officer who had decided that they would not be produced.

When I pointed this out to counsel, she simply repeated the submission and would not further elaborate. In answer to questions, she conceded that it was not submitted that the Order to attend was made without jurisdiction, nor was it submitted that my Order was invalid. To my surprise, it appeared, on further questioning, that the identity of the individual concerned was not known to counsel and she did not know whether my Order had actually been brought to that person's attention. She told me that it had been conveyed to "my bosses" and she had no further information.

4. As I have already said, the refusal to obey the Tribunal's Order is a brazen attack upon the rule of law embodied in the Tribunal and cannot be disregarded. In other jurisdictions, serious personal penalties would apply to officials who willfully disobeyed the order of a court. That sanction is not. available to the Tribunal except through misconduct proceedings. It follows therefore that the Tribunal must use other means of enforcing the jurisdiction which has been entrusted to it by the General Assembly under the Charter and pursuant to its Statute. The Tribunal has an inherent jurisdiction to safeguard its own proceedings, to ensure that they are not abused by any party and to ensure, so far as possible, that its orders are obeyed. A party which is in willful disobedience of an order cannot at the same time expect that he, she or it will be permitted to invoke the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to vindicate their contractual rights. The Tribunal is no respecter of persons. The Organization, which is represented by the Secretary-General, is a mere contracting party before the Tribunal, with no status greater or better than that of the staff member, and is subject to the same rules.

5. I note that pursuant to art 17.2 of the Rules of Procedure, the Tribunal "may, if it considers it appropriate in the interest of justice to do so, proceed to determine a case in the absence of a party." However, at all events, the Tribunal has inherent jurisdiction to order its proceedings in accordance with the interests of justice, here requiring exclusion ofthe respondent for the reasons I have already given.

6. The question is whether the rule of law will be applied or if these matters will be governed by administrative fiat. When the Tribunal was established, from 1 July 2009 the second of these alternatives was ended.

7. It seems that cooperation cannot be assumed. Accordingly, I made an oral' Order in these terms- The respondent is ordered within twenty-four hours to supply the name and contact details ofthe officer who made the decision to disobey the order made by the Tribunal to produce the documents identified in the Tribunal's ruling in Bertucci.

8. When counsel was directed to convey my Order to the decision-maker, she informed me that she needed to "talk to her bosses" and could only convey my Order "through my hierarchy". I informed counsel, "Your bosses should understand that, if my Order is not obeyed, I will expect a person to appear tomorrow morning to explain why. It is the professional obligation of a lawyer to convey decisions of the court to the client. I expect that obligation to be fulfilled. If there is a question about whether it is fulfilled or not, I will expect an explanation." The Chief, ALS/OHRM was in the Tribunal at the time, but did not seek to appear for the respondent.

Ban's UN Refuses Summons in Bertucci Case, of Contempt and Rule of Law

UNITED NATIONS, March 11 -- After UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has taken credit for the UN's new internal justice system, his administration has begun refusing to comply with and reflexively appealing orders, show as one judge puts it "contempt."

As the longstanding Bertucci v. United Nations case comes to a head, Judge Adams ruled that the UN

"is ordered within twenty-four hours to supply the name and contact details of the officer who made the decision to disobey theorder made by the Tribunal to produce the documents identified in the Tribunal's ruling in Bertucci."

On March 9 he ordered that the UN official who ordered non-compliance with a previous order of his in the case should appear before him at 10 a.m. on March 10.

Half an hour before that, the Secretary General's representative informed Judge Adams that the summoned official would not, in fact, appear. As reflected by the order just issued, further inquiry by Judge Adams led to the conclusion that the UN's lawyer before him either did not or could not find out who the official was, after asking the "bosses."

UN's Ban and his lawyer Patricia O'Brien: neither takes questions

Judge Adams' order reiterates

"the refusal to obey the Tribunal's Order is a brazen attack upon the rule of law embodied in the Tribunal and cannot be disregarded. In other jurisdictions, serious personal penalties would apply to officials who willfully disobeyed the order of a court. That sanction is not. available to the Tribunal except through misconduct proceedings. It follows therefore that the Tribunal must use other means of enforcing the jurisdiction which has been entrusted to it by the General Assembly under the Charter and pursuant to its Statute."

As Inner City Press previously exclusively reported, the Ban Ki-moon administration also refused to produce Under Secretary General Shaaban Shaaban when summoned by Judge Adams. When Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman about the case, the response was that the orders would be appealed, and that no basis for appeal needed to be states. And this is the rule of law?

UNESCO - Citizen Participation in Anti-Poverty Programmes

United Nations Secretariat throws 100 Million US$ a year down the drain for funding a useless Division - called UN-DESA-DPADM - Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division of Public Administration and Development Management, who since the late Director Guido Bertucci left the Organization, have yet to find its niche.

DPADM only by name continues to be called Public Administration - but nothing what it does nowadays have anything to do with its mandate.

Since the Chinese took over - everything is about Information Management.

The only problem is that the new "theme" has long been taken and developed from another UN Agency - UNESCO.......

So why is UNDESA throwing all these resources on the same topic? ? ? ?

Soon Sha Zukang will be able to tell us about his plans. At the end he did premiss that UNDESA will change soon in his first and last town-hall meeting (two years ago)
An Analysis of Citizen Participation in Anti-Poverty Programmes

Glenn A. Bowen
affiliation not provided to SSRN

Community Development Journal, Vol. 42, Issue 2, pp. 237-250, 2007

This article explores citizen participation, describing levels, forms and benefits of participation by local community members. In particular, it analyses citizen involvement in anti-poverty programmes, drawing on primary research in Jamaica, where a social fund forms a major plank of the national government's policy and programme to reduce poverty. Using naturalistic inquiry methods, the research sought evidence of citizen participation in social fund subprojects aimed at improving community infrastructure and social services and strengthening community organizations. This article discusses four types of participation revealed by the research and the implications for community-level approaches to economic improvement and social change.

Accepted Paper Series

Increasing Citizen Participation? - Let's copy UNESCO - will be easier for all !





1) Informing Citizens:

Fighting Corruption Using the Internet in Kenya

The Information Technology Standards Association (ITSA) of Kenya has launched a pilot project whose aim is to increase public awareness and encourage public participation in fighting corrupt practices. The pilot project will offer a corruption online reporting facility in six towns, two remote locations. The media will form the source points of information which will be routed to the Electronic Graft Management (EGM) Centre. The EGM Centre will filter this information electronically and forward it to the relevant authorities for action.
The complete case study can be consulted at The Center for Digital Discourse and Culture (CDDC)

Government Procurement System in Mexico

Mexico’s federal government established "Compranet" for government procurement as part of its efforts to fight corruption by automating procurement procedures. By facilitating a process of bidding and reverse bidding on-line, it seeks to make government purchasing more efficient and transparent. The system allows the public to see what services and products the government is spending its resources on, and what companies are providing them with these services. There are more than 6000 public sector tenders logged daily, and more than 20,000 service-providing firms are regular users.

Go to Compranet

2) Improved Service Delivery:

E-seva center in Andhra Pradesh State of India

The goal of e-seva is to simplify the delivery of city services by providing a wide spectrum of citizen-friendly services that will save citizens the bother of running around to various departments. Services provided include payment of utility bills; reservations of train tickets; getting birth and death certificates, vehicle permits and driving licenses; transport department services, etc. Before the launch of the e-seva project, these services were only available at separate offices and were normally time-consuming because of slow processing speeds and large crowds.
The complete case study, as well as other ICT stories, can be consulted at
The International Institute for Communication and Development – Knowledge sharing (IICD)

Member Organized Resource Exchange (M.O.R.E.) in St. Louis, Missouri
M.O.R.E. is a computer network project in an inner city neighborhood of St. Louis. The program was established in 1983, and its goal was to use computer networks to help people learn to pull themselves out of poverty. The service delivery programs included : Grace Hill Neighborhood College, which is a a neighborhood-based system of education to help prepare community members for employment, and Business and Career Center – an employment database to help low-income persons overcome the information barrier that prevents them from finding jobs. The Center is a successful example of the use of ICTs to increase the access to local institutions by members of marginalized communities.

More information

3) Increasing Citizen Participation:

Iperbole Internet civic network in Bologna, Italy
This represents an interconnected gathering point of collective knowledge focusing on "two-way" communication and citizen participation in the information exchange process. Local citizens benefit from a network of internet public places, free internet access points, e-mail and newsgroups. There is direct and remote internet training for beginners; online healthcare support; online services for senior, disabled people and young people; and a "time bank" through which local people can exchange services. There is an online discussion forum, publications of local documents (with abstracts and glossaries) and customer satisfaction surveys.
Go to Iperbole

Democracy Project in North Jutland, Denmark
The task of the Democracy Project was to create an electronic forum for e-democratic dialogue among citizens and politicians, with a particular aim towards the November 20, 2001 County Council Election Day (which later turned out to also be a General Election Day). In 1997, North Jutland had the lowest voter turnout in the Danish elections. The object of the Democracy Project was to publicize decisions made on a regional political level and to involve the citizens in the democratic process. Specifically, the County Council also wanted to reach newly-eligible voters, who were known to show a low turnout. Citizens, politicians and first-time voters were invited to take part in the project. The result was a very lively and well-visited web site with a good dialogue among citizens and politicians.
More information

Is DPADM duplicating UNESCO ?





Strengthening Democracy and Critical Citizenship through Adult Education and Learning

Selection of relevant titles that are available in the Documentation Centre of the UNESCO Institute for Education. Compiled by Julia Schumacher and Lisa Krolak in June 2002.

Arnot, Madeleine, ed.; Dillabough, Jo-Anne, ed.:

Challenging democracy: international perspectives on gender, education and citizenship.

London, Routledge Farmer, 2000, 337 p. citizenship education; womens education; girls education; democracy. / citizenship; citizen role; citizen participation; political education; social change; sexuality; USA; Portugal; Argentina. / gender issues; gender equality; feminism; social justice ; civil society ISBN 0-415-20316-3 Call number: 376.01 Ch

Arredondo, Vicente:

La participación ciudadana: paradigma social del futuro.

México, D.F., p. 37-58. (In: Revista interamericana de educación de adultos. 2001, no. especial). citizenship education; political education; democracy; adult education; civil society. Call number:

Augier, Philippe:

Le citoyen souverain: éducation pour la démocratie.

Paris, UNESCO, 1994, 118 p. citizenship education; democracy; human rights; citizenship; UNESCO; adult education. Call number: 376.01 Au

Bélanger, Paul:

Desafiando as fronteiras da educaçao democrática.

Sao Paulo, Brazil, p. 621-633 (In: Educaçao e sociedade. vol. 16, no. 53, 1995) citizenship education; democracy; educational objectives; civil society

Bélanger, Paul:

Education for democratic citizenship: methods, practices and strategies;

Conference organised jointly by the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the European Commission, Warsaw, 4-8 Dec., 1999: final report. Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe Publishing, 2001. 59 p. citizenship education; political education; democracy; adult education. / lifelong education; Europe; conference report. / civil society

ISBN 92-871-4509-1 Call number: 376.1 Be

Beetham, David; Boyle, Kevin:

Introducing democracy: 80 questions and answers.

Paris, UNESCO, 1995, 135 p. democracy; human rights; political education; civil society ISBN 92-3-103081-7 Call number: 3.23 Be

1Benn, Roseanne:

The genesis of active citizenship in the learning society.

Leicester, UK., p. 241-256 (In: Studies in the education of adults. vol. 32, 2000, no. 2) citizenship; democracy; adult education; citizenship education; learning processes; citizen participation

Birzea, César:

Education for democratic citizenship: consultation meeting.

Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe, 1996, 80 p. citizenship education; democracy; educational needs; Europe; conference report Call number: 376.0 Bi

Bron, Michal, ed.; Malewski, Mieczyslaw, ed.:

European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Conference. Wroclaw, 1994.

Adult education and democratic citizenship: papers.

Wroclaw, Wroclaw University Press, 1995, 198 p., Chapter bibliographies (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. 1837) Giddens, Anthony; adult education; lifelong education; citizenship; democracy; Poland; conference report; Sweden; Turkey; Malta ISBN 83-229-1363-X Call number: 374.1 Ad

Bron, Agnieszka, ed.; Field, John, ed.; Kurantowicz, Ewa, ed.:

European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (Netherlands). / Institute of Pedagogy of Wroclaw University (Poland). / European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Conference, Strobl, Austria, 1997: Adult education and democratic citizenship II: papers.

Krakow, Poland, Impuls Publisher, 1998, 242 p. adult education; lifelong education; citizenship education; democracy; educational research; Europe ISBN 83-86994-86-X Call number: 374.1 Ad

Bron, Michal, ed.; Field, John, ed.: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (Netherlands); Adam Mickiewicz University, Chair of Adult Education

(Poland): Adult education and democratic citizenship III. Wroclaw, Poland, Lower Silesian University College of Education, 2001, 207 p.

European Society for Research on the Education of Adults; ESREA; citizenship education; adult education; democracy; civil rights; lifelong education; political education; Europe; national integration; research; Germany; Poland; civil society Call number: 374.1 Ad

Brown, Suzanne Francis, ed.:

Spitting in the wind: lessons in empowerment from the Caribbean.

Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, Commonwealth Foundation, 2000, xvi, 224 p. citizenship education; political education; NGO; democracy; Caribbean; networks; critical thinking; Belize; Jamaica; Guyana; empowerment; civil society ISBN 976-8123-89-3 Call number: 376.3 Sp

Dadzie, Stella; Turner, Cheryl, ed.:

Making a difference: a resource pack for people who want to become more active citizens.

Leicester, UK, NIACE, 1999, viii, 200 p., Further information: p.189-202 citizenship education; democracy; political education; social action; citizenship; community action; resource materials; human rights education; group instruction; group activities; legal education; human rights; civil society; political participation; tool kit ISBN 1-86201-077-3 Call number: 376.0 Da


Edwards, Michael, ed.; Gaventa, John, ed.:

Global citizen action.

London, Earthscan, 2001, vii, 328 p., Bibl.: p. 293-306 globalization; modernization; childrens rights; citizen participation; NGO; social change; sustainable development; case studies; Ghana; India; civil society; participatory approach; womens participation ISBN 1-85383-834-9 Call number: 3.2 Gl

Edwards, Verónika, ed.; Osorio, Jorge, ed.; Camacho, Alfonso, collab., et al.:

La construcción de las políticas educativas en América Latina: educación para la democracia y la modernidad crítica en Bolivia, Chile, México y el Perú. Lima, Consejo de Educación de Adultos de América Latina, CEAAL, 1995, 180 p. political education; citizenship education; democracy; Bolivia; Chile; Mexico; Peru

Call number: 376.01 Co

Elliott, Jane:

The challenge of lifelong learning as a means of extending citizenship for women.

Leicester, UK, p. 6-21 (In: Studies in the education of adults. vol. 32, 2000, no.1) lifelong education; womens education; citizenship; citizenship education; educational policy trends; educational needs; UK; feminism

Gelpi, Ettore:

Towards a democratic citizenship: adult education, democracy and development; exploratory workshops and summary of the debates 1994-1995. Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe, Council for Cultural Co-operation, 1996, 69 p. citizenship education; democracy; adult education; lifelong education; Council of Europe; employment; citizen participation; community education; multiculturalism; minority groups; educational legislation; educational policies; European Union

Call number: 376.01 Ge (Also available in French)

Gronholm, Chris, ed.; Katus, József, ed.:

Issues of education and civil society: proceedings of the European Symposium on Voluntary Associations. Helsinki, Fonda Publishing, 1999,184 p. Freire, Paulo; lifelong education; social factors; NGO; Europe; democracy; community development; globalization; Estonia; Eastern Europe; civil society

ISBN 951-97311-3-X Call number: 374.1 Is

Heusohn, Lothar, ed.; Klemm, Ulrich, ed.:

Bürgergesellschaft und Erwachsenenbildung. Ulm, Germany, Klemm & Oelschläger, 1999, 148 p. (Werkstattbericht Weiterbildung. 2) civil society; adult education; Germany; citizenship education; political education; gender issues ISBN 3-932577-19-1

Call number: 376.3 Bu

Hooper, Derek, et al.:

Can they do that?: learning about active citizenship.

Leicester, UK, NIACE, 1995, 101 p. citizenship education; citizenship; democracy; human rights; adult education; teaching materials; UK ISBN 1-872941-58-3 Call number: 376.0 Ca


Johnston, Rennie:

Adult learning for citizenship: towards a reconstruction of the social purpose tradition.

London, p. 175-190 (In: International journal of lifelong education. vol.18, 1999, no.3) adult education; lifelong education; citizenship education; social factors; UK

Khor, Martin, ed.; Lim Li Lin, ed.:

Citizen initiatives in social services, popular education and human rights.

London, Zed Books, 2001, 260 p. (Good practices and innovative experiences in the South. 3) citizen participation; innovations; education; popular education; social services; policy making; social policies; economic policies; environmental influences; development; developing countries; Latin America; Asia; Africa; case studies; research; community action; popular theatre; human rights; health; poverty; housing; disaster prevention; alternative education; consumer education; Philippines; Uruguay; Brazil; Indonesia; gender issues; indigenous knowledge ISBN 1-84277-133-7 Call number: 3.9 Ci

Korsgaard, Ove, ed.; Walters, Shirley, ed.; Andersen, Randi, ed.:

Learning for democratic citizenship. Copenhagen, Association for World Education, 2001, 208 p. citizenship; citizenship education; democracy; citizen role; lifelong education; learning needs; national integration; Europe; Southern Africa 87-7701-890-7 Call number: 376.01 Le

Limage, Leslie J., ed.:

Democratizing education and educating democratic citizens: international and historical perspectives. London, RoutledgeFalmer, 2001, 295 p. (Studies in education/politics. 8)

citizenship education; political education; democracy; higher education; teacher education; Germany; Europe; France; UK; Canada; Hong Kong; Eastern Europe; Mexico; Israel; Russian Federation; civil society ISBN 0-8153-3570-9

Call number: 376.1 De

Maruatona, Tonic:

Adult education and the empowerment of civil society: the case of trade unions in Botswana. London, p. 476-491 (In: International journal of lifelong education. vol. 18, 1999, no. 6)

adult education; trade unions; democracy; Botswana; empowerment; civil society

Mayo, Marjorie:

Learning for active citizenship: training for and learning from participation in area regeneration. Leicester, UK, p. 22-35 (In: Studies in the education of adults. vol. 32, 2000, no. 1)

lifelong education; citizenship education; human resources development; community development; citizen participation; educational programmes; UK; social capital


McGinn, Noel F., ed.:


Chicago, IL, p. 341-438, (Whole issue) (In: Comparative education review. vol. 40, 1996, no. 4) comparative education; democratization of education; democracy; citizenship education; globalization; developed countries; developing countries; education and development; womens education; Germany; Latin America; Australia; gender equality

Medeiros, Hildézia, ed.; Lemos, Rosália, ed.; Ferreira, Claudia, ed.:

Cidadania, Etnia / Raça: por uma educaçao nao discriminatória de jovens e adultos.

Brasilia, Ministério da Educaçao e do Desporto, 52 p. citizenship education; equal education; ethnic groups; youth; adults; Brazil Call number: 376.31 Ci

Murtagh, Teresa, ed.; O'Sullivan, Jean, ed.:

The quiet peacemakers: a tribute to teachers.

Paris, UNESCO, Global Action Programme on Education for All; Brussels, Education International, 1998, 20 p. Northern Ireland (UK); teachers; interviews; peace education; conflict resolution; citizenship education; disadvantaged schools; Sri Lanka; France; Algeria; Italy; Burundi; USA; Bosnia and Herzegovina

Call number: 371.10 Qu

Schemmann, Michael, ed.; Bron, Michal, ed.: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (Netherlands); Ruhr-University of Bochum (Germany), European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Conference, Bochum, Germany, 2001: Adult education and democratic citizenship IV: papers.

Krakow, Poland, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Impuls", 2001, 215 p. adult education; lifelong education; citizenship education; citizenship; democracy; Europe; Slovenia; UK; Germany; Poland; Russian Federation; civil society ISBN 83-7308-096-1 Call number: 374.1 Ad

Stromquist, Nelly Penaloza:

Literacy for citizenship: gender and grassroots dynamics in Brazil.

Albany, NY, State University of New York Press, 1997, xiii, 248 p. (SUNY series literacy, culture and learning) Sao Paulo (Brazil); Freire, Paulo; literacy; literacy programmes; womens education; illiterate adults; citizenship education; education and development; Brazil; popular education; feminism ISBN 4-3166-5 Call number: 379.635 St

Symonides, Janusz, ed.:

Human rights: new dimensions and challenges; manual on human rights. Paris, UNESCO Publishing; Aldershot, UK, Ashgate, 1998, 318 p. human rights; international conventions; UN; UNESCO; tolerance; globalization; human rights education; democracy; environment; poverty; racism; culture of peace 92-3-103582-7 (UNESCO), 1-84014-430-0 (Ashgate) Call number: 3.42 Hu

Tandon, Rajesh:

Civil society, adult learning and action in India.

Toronto, Ont., p. 120-137 (In: Convergence. vol. 33, 2000, nos. 1-2) adult education; social action; case studies; India; civil society


Tobias, Robert:

The boundaries of adult education for active citizenship: institutional and community contexts. London, p. 418-429 (In: International journal of lifelong education. vol. 19, 2000, no. 5)

adult education programmes; citizenship education; social action; educational development trends; educational institutions; community organizations; New Zealand

Usher, Robin; Bryant, Ian; Johnston, Rennie:

Adult education and the postmodern challenge: learning beyond the limits.

London, Routledge, 1997, xvi, 248 p. Durkheim, Emile; Foucault, Michel; Bourdieu, Pierre; adult education; social factors; adult learning; lifelong education; Citizenship; postmodernism ISBN 0-415-12021-7 Call number: 374.0 Us


Educating for citizenship.

Paris, UNESCO; Brussels, Education International; Paris, Presse en ligne, 2001, 19 p. + 1 CD-ROM citizenship education; learning activities; human rights education; child responsibility; social participation Call number: 376.01 Ed

Warren, Clay, ed.:

Democracy is born in conversations: re-creating N.F.S. Grundtvig for lifelong learners around the world. New York, NY, Circumstantial Productions Publishing, 1998, 221 p. Grundtvig, Nikolaj Frederick Severin; adult education; lifelong education; democracy; learner centred approach; folk high school

ISBN 1-891592-05-X Call number: 374.1 De

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Master class to analyse broadcast regulation for elections next month in Paris

17-02-2010 (Paris)
Master class to analyse broadcast regulation for elections next month in Paris
© Pilar Olivares, Reuters
An election is a test of political commitment to democracy in which both broadcasters and regulators play an important role. To explore this role, UNESCO and Albany Associates organize an international Master Class in Broadcast Regulation for Elections at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, from 24 to 26 March 2010.
This important event will explore the part that regulatory authorities and other stakeholders can and must play in upholding freedom of expression, while balancing the rights and responsibilities of broadcasters to report on the democratic process of elections.

To reach this goal, the course will focus on emerging issues, including broadcasting standards during election periods, the role of the broadcasting regulator, media monitoring and political advertising.

This three-day event is intended for broadcasting regulators, broadcast policy makers, public and private broadcasting companies, as well as for those who observe or study broadcasting and media regulation.

In particular, the course will cover:
  • international and comparative law and standards;
  • the importance of media during elections;
  • the role of the private and public broadcasters;
  • broadcast standards during elections;
  • procedures for handling complaints;
  • social networking technologies and the use of new media in elections, etc.
Albany Associates is a UK-based, internationally-focussed company consulting on media and telecommunications law and regulatory frameworks, advising on media infrastructure development, and providing professional training and institutional capacity building.