Thursday 6 November 2008

TCMS and EO ignores UN HR rules and moves to hire Ubaldi despite no competitive selection process

Catherine Pelluso and Furio De Tomassi's determination to continue employment of Barbara Ubaldi is unshaken. 

The corrupt cast of Italian Mafia at DESA sees no obstruction of basic rules of Human resources and since yesterday is moving full speed to process the "re-classification" of Ubaldi's position and re-hire her.

  • But do they know what Human Resources Rules and Regulations are?
  • Do they know that an incumbent who is not 100/200 Series cannot be re-classified? 
  • Do they know that a person that has been in short-term contracts for more than 11 months (Ubaldi has been for 38 months in short term contract) should go into at least 3 months break-in-service?
  • Do they know what competitive selection process means in the HR language?
  • Do they know what vacancy announcement process means in HR language?
We call in Mr. Sha Zukang to stop this MAFIA now !! The Italian Bertucci-Civili clan is ruining DESA and our good reputation by retaining this useless individuals who only knows to enter the system from the window and never from the door like everyone else should.

We also call on Ms. Ahlenius (OIOS) to investigate immediately the TCMS and advise Ban Ki-Moon to take away from DESA all pseudo-Human Resource facilities and assign those duties to the Department of Management - OHRM.

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